3. Devlog: Week 10, Puzzles

Welcome! this week I worked on a puzzle the player has to solve to free a star.

When the player completes a level they are supposed to free a caged star. 

For that, they have to solve a Puzzle.  The idea came from having to open a lock. 

I drew three different pictures for the puzzles, using a lot of symetry, to make it difficult. As my main objects I wanted to implement three symbols. They are a cloud, a star and a moon, fitting, right?

this is what they look like:

The order of the puzzle is intentionally created like this. since the nightsky consists of these three, they are sorted in the distance from the earth. 

To solve the puzzle the player has to press the buttons. They rotate one to two circles of the image. Since the system I used is a little bit difficult to navigate, I gave the player a play room of 10° that they can be off and still complete it. If the player manages to free a star, it will get added in the end screen as a freed friend and additionally, the player gets a life more added in the health bar. 

There is also a Quit button to skip the puzzle.

Thank you for reading. See you next week!

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